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OpenMetadata Server

Learn how to run the OpenMetadata server in development mode by using Docker and IntelliJ.

  • For an easy installation of MySQL and ES, just install Docker on your local machine and run the following commands from the top-level directory
  • For an easy installation of PostgreSQL and ES, just install Docker on your local machine and run the following commands from the top-level directory

The following commands must be run from the top-level directory.

If you wish to skip the unit tests you can do this by adding -DskipTests to the command line.

You can create a distribution as follows.

The binaries will be created at:

Extract the distribution tar.gz file created on the previous step and run the following command

Why Needed: The script simplifies the setup and execution of OpenMetadata by handling Java dependencies, configurations, and environment variables automatically.

Note To understand more about file click here

You can run the OpenMetadata server directly

Add a new Run/Debug configuration like the below screenshot.

  1. Click on Intellij - Run menu
  2. Click on "Edit Configurations"
  3. Click + sign and Select Application and make sure your config looks similar to the below image
Intellij Runtime Configuration

Intellij Runtime Configuration

Note that if you want to test the connectors (Ingestion) while having the server running locally and the ingestion running as a container, you will need to ensure that both components can properly talk to each other. To do so, pass the following environment variable to IntelliJ when starting the server:

Right-click on openmetadata-service

Open project

Click on "Open Module Settings"

Open Module Settings

Go to "Dependencies"

Go to dependencies

Click “+” at the bottom of the dialog box and click "Add"

Add dependency

Click on Library

Click on Library

In that list look for "jersey-client:2.25.1"

Add jersey-client dependency

Select it and click "OK".

We also need to set the folder ‘generated-resources’ in some module’s target folder as “source” folder. IntelliJ IDEA mark target folder as "excluded" by default, we could change it in the module setting. The openmetadata-spec and openmetadata-java-client modules have generated code, need to be changed.

Now run/debug the application.

With the OpenMetadata service up and running, run the following commands from the top-level directory

  • You are now ready to explore the app by going to http://localhost:8585 *If the web page doesn't work as intended, please take a look at the troubleshooting steps here
  • If you see blank page at http://localhost:8585, please check the logs at logs/openmetadata.log. You might be encountering one of the following errors:
    • connection refused or unreachable - please confirm that MySQL and ES are reachable outside of docker by running docker ps and checking that ports 3306 and 9200 are listening on
      • If ElasticSearch in Docker on Mac is crashing, try changing Preferences -> Resources -> Memory to 4GB
      • If ElasticSearch logs show high disk watermark [90%] exceeded, try changing Preferences -> Resources -> Disk Image Size to at least 16GB
    • Public Key Retrieval is not allowed - verify that the JDBC connect URL in conf/openmetadata.yaml is configured with the parameter allowPublicKeyRetrieval=true
    • Browser console shows javascript errors, try doing a clean build. Some npm packages may not have been built properly.
  1. Configure IntelliJ to disable the [wild-card imports] (