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Lightdash Connection Config

  • type: Service Type. Refer to #/definitions/lightdashType. Default: Lightdash.
  • hostPort (string): Address for your running Lightdash instance. Default: http://localhost:5000.
  • apiKey (string): The personal access token you can generate in the Lightdash app under the user settings.
  • projectUUID (string): The Project UUID for your Lightdash instance.
  • spaceUUID (string): The Space UUID for your Lightdash instance.
  • proxyAuthentication (string): Use if your Lightdash instance is behind a proxy like (Cloud IAP).
  • supportsMetadataExtraction: Refer to ../connectionBasicType.json#/definitions/supportsMetadataExtraction.
  • lightdashType (string): Lightdash service type. Must be one of: ['Lightdash']. Default: Lightdash.

Documentation file automatically generated at 2023-10-27 13:55:46.343512.